"I just signed and shared this petition. This sick POS needs to be thrown in jail for life or murdered- the justice system these days SUCK!! David Matson was arrested in November 2012 after leaving a wooded area covered in blood. He later confessed to killing several dogs. Including the one shown in the petition photo. Please sign & share everywhere; this is so important. We need as much signatures as we can get and we also need everyone to know that Craigslist is NO PLACE to sell a LIVING ANIMAL!! There are lots of predators lurking on there; such as dogfighters looking for helpless bait... Again, please sign & share. Thank-You." [IF LINK IS BROKEN, PLEASE COPY AND PASTE IT INTO YOUR SEARCH BAR. IF IT IS STILL NOT WORKING,  http://www.change.org/petitions/national-weather-service-officials-stop-administrative-leave-pay-for-craigslist-dog-killer-david-matson

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